“Centre of Clinical Excellence”

We offer various designs of scleral lenses to accommodate even the more demanding eyes!

The fitting is different from the smaller rigid gas permeable lenses and requires great skill, knowledge

and experience.

With the latest technology available and with more than 14 years of experience dealing with these complicated cases we are pretty sure that we will provide scleral lenses that will be optimum for your eyes.

Large diameter scleral lens Eye wearing mini-scleral lens

These are larger lenses (15-23mm in size) that rest on the white area of the eye (the sclera) and they are comfortable beside their large diameter. They provide well centered optics, stability and minimal movement with blink.

They are offered in

  • Advanced Keratoconus
  • Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
  • Keratoglobus
  • Corneal transplants (tilted, decentred, protrusive)

But also

  • Lower grades of keratoconus where lens tolerance is a problem
  • High myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism
  • Corneal hydration in serious dry eye conditions such as Steven-Johnson syndrome
  • Prevention of corneal exposure from poor lid closure or lid absence
Advanced Keratoconus Same eye fitted with a scleral lens